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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Foods most likely to cause cancer


High consumption of dairy and calcium products and the development prostate cancer was discovered. Results showed that the men with the highest consumption rates of dairy were more likely to develop prostate cancer than those who consumed less.

In a study published in the Journal of BMC Medicine, researchers wrote that the excessive salts and chemicals used to make processed meats are dangerous to health. Study participants who ate 160 grams or more of processed meats increased their risk of early death as much as 44 percent within 12 years, as opposed to those who ate 20 grams or less.

The chemical, which is sometimes referred to as brominated flour, speeds up the manufacturing process and helps whiten and add bulk to bread and grain-based products. But that comes at a serious cost to the consumer: The additive has been linked to nervous-system disorders and has been identified as a potential human carcinogen by a number of health organizations. For this reason, the European Union, U.K., Canada, and Brazil don’t allow potassium bromate to be used. 

Cancer cells thrive on fructose-rich sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup. HFCS is metabolized by cancer cells more quickly and easily than other sweeteners; check for it on nutrition labels and avoid it.

Postmenopausal women with the highest saturated fat intake increased their risk of breast cancer by over 30 percent compared to those who ate the least. As you get older, try to decrease your consumption of foods high in saturated fats, such as highly-processed snacks made with vegetable oils.


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