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Thursday, September 21, 2017

How did you fall in love?


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Here are easy ways to lose weight.


While turmeric is responsible for giving curry dishes that bold yellow hue, the spice does more than just add flavor to Indian dishes - it is also a powerful spice which helps in weight-loss

Chickpeas seem to be everywhere lately - and for good reason: they're high in protein, fiber, folate, and zinc. And in a small study, chickpeas have also been shown to aid in weight loss

If you want to lose weight, upping the amount of pulses in your diet could be a good place to start.
New research has found that eating one portion of beans, peas, chickpeas or lentils per day could contribute to "modest weight loss". 

Try adding some of these foods to your diet to promote weight loss, like almond, coconut, 

Mix 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon with Add a cup of hot water to the cinnamon, let cool. Add a full teaspoon of raw, organic honey to the cinnamon/water mixture after it has cooled. 

Foods most likely to cause cancer



High consumption of dairy and calcium products and the development prostate cancer was discovered. Results showed that the men with the highest consumption rates of dairy were more likely to develop prostate cancer than those who consumed less.

In a study published in the Journal of BMC Medicine, researchers wrote that the excessive salts and chemicals used to make processed meats are dangerous to health. Study participants who ate 160 grams or more of processed meats increased their risk of early death as much as 44 percent within 12 years, as opposed to those who ate 20 grams or less.

The chemical, which is sometimes referred to as brominated flour, speeds up the manufacturing process and helps whiten and add bulk to bread and grain-based products. But that comes at a serious cost to the consumer: The additive has been linked to nervous-system disorders and has been identified as a potential human carcinogen by a number of health organizations. For this reason, the European Union, U.K., Canada, and Brazil don’t allow potassium bromate to be used. 

Cancer cells thrive on fructose-rich sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup. HFCS is metabolized by cancer cells more quickly and easily than other sweeteners; check for it on nutrition labels and avoid it.

Postmenopausal women with the highest saturated fat intake increased their risk of breast cancer by over 30 percent compared to those who ate the least. As you get older, try to decrease your consumption of foods high in saturated fats, such as highly-processed snacks made with vegetable oils.

Here are the reasons your are always tired


Fatigue, along with headaches, weakness, and dizziness it could be from anemia, a blood disorder that occurs when there aren’t enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen from your lungs to cells and tissues. Most  common form is iron-deficiency anemia.

Depression,  mental disorder also affects people physically, including increased fatigue, aches, and trouble sleeping. If you notice any of these symptoms, visit your doctor or a psychiatrist for a proper diagnosis.

Chronic tiredness is one of the first indicators that someone might have diabetes, along with being thirsty all the time, hunger, and frequent urination. Visit your doctor to get your blood sugar levels tested with a fasting plasma glucose test or an oral glucose tolerance test.

Underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, it means your body isn’t getting enough thyroid hormone, and your cells don’t get that “get going” signal leading to sluggishness. Chronic fatigue is one of the 10 Signs You Have an Under active Thyroid, along with weight gain, high cholesterol, and a lower sex drive. 

Constantly tired your body might actually need more replenishing water than caffeine to stay alert dehydration can quickly sap a person of energy and have us reaching for food, pour yourself a glass of water and be sure you’re drinking at least 64 ounces a day.

Without enough water your body does not function normally


Without enough water in your system, your body does not function normally. Your blood becomes thicker, and the heart has to work harder to pump. This decreases the efficiency of the blood to get nutrients to the body, and it slows you down.

Dehydration can also interrupt normal brain function, draining your energy supply even further. Instead, sip on water all day, and you’ll notice your energy levels surge.

When you’re dehydrated, saliva production decreases, leaving your mouth and lips feeling dry. Dry mouth can also make your breath stinky, because bacteria has the chance to linger longer when it’s not being washed away on the reg.

Cramping has been connected to dehydration and a sodium deficit in the body. Exertional heat cramping, or full body cramping, may be related to sodium depletion and fluid loss especially in individuals who are salty sweaters. In this case, sipping on an electrolyte sports drink can be helpful to restore the natural mineral balance in the body.

Simply consuming the recommended eight to ten, eight ounce glasses of water on a daily basis is crucial to maintain a healthy body not just in the summer months but throughout the year.

Keep in mind that dehydration is not the only condition that affects heart rate. Rapid heart rate or palpitations can also indicate a more serious medical condition. That being said, if your heart rate does not return to normal after drinking water, you should consult a medical professional.

It’s important to be properly hydrated before you start exercising, particularly if you are going to be active in the heat.

Even in cooler weather, dehydration is possible if you don’t drink enough fluids while working out. According to Higgins, symptoms may be milder or come on slower, but dehydration carries the same risks, regardless of the outside temperature.

In infants, so-called dehydration fever may develop if there is inadequate fluid intake, diarrhea, or vomiting. Any fever in an infant or toddler is cause for concern. Ask your pediatrician for guidelines on when to call for help.

These are the Ways to Age in Reverse


Start your day with a filling, high-protein omelet and enjoy younger-looking skin in no time. Eggs are a great way to load your diet with antioxidants of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants, which have been linked to increased collagen production, helping you reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that can age you.

Slugs aren’t the only things that shrivel up in the presence of salt —your brain does, too. Research published in Nature Reviews Neurology reveals that hypertension, a condition exacerbated by a high-sodium diet, can decrease the size of the hippocampus, causing premature brain aging.

You don’t have to lift your body weight or clock hours of high-intensity cardio to enjoy the youthfulness-promoting effects of exercise; just taking a daily walk can help flip the hourglass. Research published in Preventive Medicine reveals that individuals who got the most exercise turned the clock back on the cellular aging process by a whopping nine years.

Go ahead, indulge your inner chocoholic. Research published in the Journal of Hypertension reveals that cocoa flavanols significantly improved endothelial function in older patients, but not in their younger counterparts. Brownies, anyone?

Sip your way to a healthier, more youthful body with some black tea. A single cup of black tea packs 47 percent of your daily manganese, which researchers at the University of Oregon have linked to increased production of skin-smoothing collagen.

Ways to stay motivated


Watch videos about moments that inspire you and you’ll see that motivation will come back on its own.

Don’t allow yourself to become so emotionally entangled that it paralyzes your progress. Things may not always work out perfectly, but the sooner you get over them, the quicker you move on to your next victory. Only you can control your own actions and reactions.

A break is then well deserved. If your goal is sport-related, then take 3-4 days off instead of the usual 1 or 2 days. If your goal is related to school, do not try to do your job all at once.

Identify what drives you to procrastination and get rid of it. You will not be motivated as long as you waste your time with these objects.

Find a productive place you can go nearby. It can be a coffee shop, a restaurant, a public park, or any other place that will help foster your creativity, eliminate some distractions, and motivate you to get your work done.

Expect something great to happen for you every day and it will. Say aloud each morning to yourself in the mirror, “I expect something good to happen for me today!”

And get away from negative people. Get away from toxic people that complain and whine and moan all the time. Who needs them? Life is too short.

And the faster you move, the better you get. And the better you get, the more you like yourself. And the more you like yourself, the higher your self-esteem is. And the higher your self-esteem is, the greater your self-discipline is. And the more you persist, then you ultimately become unstoppable.

Staying motivated is difficult work, but meditation helps to cleanse the mind, giving us a fresh perspective to approach our goals with gusto.

Regardless of what is going on around you, speak out loud what you want to happen.

Reward yourself each and every time you reach a goal. It could be anything from throwing a party to taking a weekend away or treating yourself to a movie night. Just don’t overlook it.

4 types of tea can help to melt fat in your body


White tea is  a rich source of catechins, a type of antioxidant that triggers the release of fat from the cells and helps speed the liver’s ability to turn fat into energy. Who needs Spanx when you can just sip on this powerful brew, Speed up your slim down when you alternate sipping cups of white tea.

Barberry shrub contains berberine–a powerful, naturally occurring, fat-frying chemicalconsuming the plant can boost energy expenditure and help decrease the number of receptors on the surface of fat cells, making them less apt to absorb incoming sources of flubber. Sounds like a good reason to have an other cup of tea to us.

 Rooibos bush are powerful fat-melters.  polyphenols and flavonoids found in the plant inhibits adipogenesis  the formation of new fat cells–by as much as 22 percent. Sip this brew to help burn that stubborn bit of chub clinging to your middle. Speaking of whittling your middle, reveal the washboard stomach you've been wishing for with these 

Numi Organic tea significantly lowered triglyceride concentrations (potentially dangerous fat found in the blood) and belly fat in the high-fat diet groups. sipping the tea could have slightly different outcomes in humans. To look and feel your best in 24 hours flat, combine your pu-erh habit with our Ultimate One-Day Detox.

Friday, September 15, 2017

A weak password may be a security risk for your private and confidential data


If you are owner of a small business unit then your computer or laptop is the main data storage. you may have all of your business information relating to you vendor, customer service provider contacts and soft copies of all of your business documents , all of your business plannings and financial details.

So for data protection, security issue is very important  generally we secure our computers by setting up passwords. so we should choose those characters which form a secured password. Here we need to avoid some weak keys and words as following.

Foods most likely to cause cancer
Foods most likely to cause cancer

QWERT 12345

Passwords like 12345, 09876  are considered as risky,  So don t use consecutive and sequential combination of letters. always use these with alpha bates Like G3H9F4PM77.


Another bad choice is to use password keys  as P@sswords, Pa$$word. This might be easy to remember  but   is  a soft target for  hackers.
Anushka Sharma Photo Shoots

Simple & General words 

Most of peoples use general words and simple passwords for example names of  flowers birds animals, famous buildings and points. these words are hackers common dictionary words hackers can easily break your security walls.Always Skip these words and try to setup a strong password.

Date of birth  

date of birth is also a weak password. to setup social media account date of birth is mandatory your some cases is visible for your friends so this is not a strong security key.      

Business Name and Address

Peoples who are trying to breakup your security will try all of keywords relating to your personal as well your business . So avoid to use your business name and address as password key.

when doing photo shoots of models in lingerie,do you ever get sexually excited  ?
When doing Photoshoots of models do you sexually exited 

Your Name.

First try is always to use the name of target because of for easy to remember people use their names as passwords.


To setup a secured and strong password  always use combination of numeric keys with upper and lower case alpha bates like


Two years ago, I let a colleague kiss me. I’ve been married for more than 20 years. I love my wife, but all I can think about is my colleague. Why can’t I forget about that kiss?


Dushka Zapata, Three time book author.

When he kissed me we were sitting on his mom’s white leather sofa. His hand felt strong and hot around the nape of my neck – flat against the small of my back – tangled in my hair.

How is it that his kiss burned itself so clearly into my memory and yet what my memory recalls is anatomically impossible?

I will tell you how. That decades old kiss is infused with fantasy. It’s a dream kiss, unrestrained, wondrous, imagined. It happened – believe me, it happened – but it’s since been adulterated by my internal design. That kiss is a flawless invention.

Reality is grittier. It’s every day, it’s laundry and a sink full of dirty dishes. It’s coming home tired after work. It’s you, the one I sometimes wish was different, the one who misses meeting my expectations and falls short in small, disheartening ways.

That kiss: an apparition, a fancy, paradise, my perfect hallucination.

You: here, concrete, true, disappointing.

One is escape. It’s what our imagination does when we need a break from what we’ve got.

when doing photo shoots of models in lingerie,do you ever get sexually excited ?


Michael Creagh, Professional Fashion Photographer for 16 years in New York City.

Yes, but it’s different than the average person thinks. Photographers are just human beings and we are a diverse bunch from different countries, genders, cultures, ages, years in the business and sexual persuasions…. we all think differently. But many photographers grow used to seeing sexy people undressed, so are standards for arousal meet different requirements.
I also want to note: I know many of these questions on Quora have an extra cultural component where some people from certain countries have a hard time understanding Western European culture’s ability to separate sex and nudity. Just because a woman is not wearing much clothing does not mean she wants to have sex or that it is okay to try to initiate sex.
In my experience, photoshoots can be fun (they can also be hard work). You meet new people and have nice conversations. Often the people are super beautiful and very sexy. But I have photographed over a thousand people in their underwear or less!! Michael Creagh (@michaelcreagh) • Instagram photos and videos — Seeing a beautiful young woman in her underwear or nude is very normal to me, and I generally get ZERO sexual arousal. None at all, no fooling. I enjoy the experience, and it is kind of cool to see a sexy person you don’t know naked. Sometimes I feel a personal intimacy/closeness to the subject, like we shared a moment….. and love creating beautiful imagery that the model, myself, and most everyone else really enjoys. But the moments are just not sexual. That is a really important distinction that you can feel. I often don’t know the people well and even if I wanted or tried to have a sexual encounter, it would most likely fail and could even greatly offend the person and maybe lead to lost work and maybe even arrest. There is no built in sexual component to a sexy shoot.
The models don’t feel sexual, so if I did, it would be weird or awkward. I would probably make the subject really uncomfortable and then they would not want to shoot more!! I think people imagine that a comparison would be like if you were hanging out with some hot friends and two of them took off their clothes for a selfie or strip poker. But it is really nothing like that, because that has a sexual component in it.
Let me give you a better comparison. Imagine if you were slow dancing with the new brand new girlfriend at your prom and you started to get physically aroused. It might be embarrassing, but that would be semi normal and acceptable. It might even be an unconscious body signal to her that could lead to something like kissing. Now imagine walking up to a friend of a friend at the same dance with an erection…that could lead to some messed up situations!
For photographers, I think they need a different stimuli altogether. They need situations that start to put that sexual component into a situation where it doesn’t exist. So sometimes, you meet people on photoshoots that you really connect with. In a different situation, you might end up going on a date. So if you like each other and there is flirting and fun, and more subtle touches than one would expect… when that person gets in their underwear, all bets are off. There might be some arousal! But that is something about connecting with people. It is dependent on so many factors, like are you single and open to new relationships? It is going to vary greatly, person by person and by age, sex, and overall ability to connect with hot models. But you’d be surprised at how many pro photographers are just not looking at models that way.

Think of it as an opportunity to grow


Things to do if you think you're about to be fired

The company is keeping track of your mistakes

Your company gets software that can do your job

Your boss stops talking to you

Signs you're about to be fired
Think of it as an opportunity to grow

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