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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Ways to stay motivated

Watch videos about moments that inspire you and you’ll see that motivation will come back on its own.

Don’t allow yourself to become so emotionally entangled that it paralyzes your progress. Things may not always work out perfectly, but the sooner you get over them, the quicker you move on to your next victory. Only you can control your own actions and reactions.

A break is then well deserved. If your goal is sport-related, then take 3-4 days off instead of the usual 1 or 2 days. If your goal is related to school, do not try to do your job all at once.

Identify what drives you to procrastination and get rid of it. You will not be motivated as long as you waste your time with these objects.

Find a productive place you can go nearby. It can be a coffee shop, a restaurant, a public park, or any other place that will help foster your creativity, eliminate some distractions, and motivate you to get your work done.

Expect something great to happen for you every day and it will. Say aloud each morning to yourself in the mirror, “I expect something good to happen for me today!”

And get away from negative people. Get away from toxic people that complain and whine and moan all the time. Who needs them? Life is too short.

And the faster you move, the better you get. And the better you get, the more you like yourself. And the more you like yourself, the higher your self-esteem is. And the higher your self-esteem is, the greater your self-discipline is. And the more you persist, then you ultimately become unstoppable.

Staying motivated is difficult work, but meditation helps to cleanse the mind, giving us a fresh perspective to approach our goals with gusto.

Regardless of what is going on around you, speak out loud what you want to happen.

Reward yourself each and every time you reach a goal. It could be anything from throwing a party to taking a weekend away or treating yourself to a movie night. Just don’t overlook it.


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