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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

These are the Ways to Age in Reverse

Start your day with a filling, high-protein omelet and enjoy younger-looking skin in no time. Eggs are a great way to load your diet with antioxidants of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants, which have been linked to increased collagen production, helping you reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that can age you.

Slugs aren’t the only things that shrivel up in the presence of salt —your brain does, too. Research published in Nature Reviews Neurology reveals that hypertension, a condition exacerbated by a high-sodium diet, can decrease the size of the hippocampus, causing premature brain aging.

You don’t have to lift your body weight or clock hours of high-intensity cardio to enjoy the youthfulness-promoting effects of exercise; just taking a daily walk can help flip the hourglass. Research published in Preventive Medicine reveals that individuals who got the most exercise turned the clock back on the cellular aging process by a whopping nine years.

Go ahead, indulge your inner chocoholic. Research published in the Journal of Hypertension reveals that cocoa flavanols significantly improved endothelial function in older patients, but not in their younger counterparts. Brownies, anyone?

Sip your way to a healthier, more youthful body with some black tea. A single cup of black tea packs 47 percent of your daily manganese, which researchers at the University of Oregon have linked to increased production of skin-smoothing collagen.


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